
The following groups outline the different Instrument types offered by rateslib. The common methods which all Instruments strive to possess are rate(), npv(), analytic_delta(), delta(), gamma(), cashflows() and cashflows_table().


Link to the section on securities, which comprise Bonds, Bills and Bond Futures.

Single Currency Derivatives#

Link to the section on single currency derivatives, giving objects like IRSs, SBSs, ZCISs and ZCSs etc.

Multi-Currency Derivatives#

Link to the section on multi-currency derivatives. This allows FXSwaps, Cross-Currency Swaps and FX Exchanges.


Link to the section on FX volatility products. This allows FXCall, FXPut and FXRiskReversal instruments.

Utilities and Instrument Combinations#

Link to the section on utilities and instrument combinations. This allows things like Spread trades, Butterflies, Portfolios and a Value for a Curve.